Gregory Cholmondeley




A lighthearted play about the end of the world in 3 acts set in Boca


Jeannette Adams is a 38-year-old African-American waitress living in Boca with a unique talent. She knows what people want to eat without asking. Today is the second anniversary of her father’s death, and Jeannette has been having nightmares about global destruction for the past three nights. Tonight, however, she will meet two people claiming to be celestial beings warning her that the world will end in the morning unless she, and only she, can prevent it.

Apocalypse Eve has a science fiction backdrop. However, the story is primarily about a small group of friends and new acquaintances drinking throughout an evening while discussing the meaning of life, the future of the world, and how to stop the madness. By morning it is unclear what happened, what was imagined, and whether anything truly changed. Most of us past a certain age have probably had similar evenings, whether we choose to admit it or not.

Primary characters

  • Jeannette is a 38-year-old. African-American waitress who is struggling with the measure of a meaningful life.
  • Jake is a twenty-something bartender who is primarily interested in having fun.
  • Father is the celestial father to all life on Earth.
  • Mother is the celestial mother to all life on Earth.

Secondary characters

  • Bob is the manifestation of Jeannette’s father.
  • Amanirenas is the manifestation of the fearsome and powerful, one-eyed African queen who repelled the Roman Legions.
  • Nzinga is the manifestation of the ruler of the African Ndongo and Matamba kingdom,